Anne Coe CoeVert

Location: Arizona

Sunday, November 26, 2006

"The living language is like a cow-path: it is the creation of the cows themselves, who, having created it, follow it or depart from it according to their whims or their needs. From daily use, the path undergoes change."

E.B. White said this and I think it helps explain a lot of things. It seems to me most arguments/discussion I get into involve those who describe reality as they see it, be it religion or language and those who proscribe it. That is to say, they talk about how it is supposed to be. The problem is is that neither are wrong and both sides think the other one is. Clearly the problem is not the idea or the word it is the pertinacity of the of the believer. Or as Chaucer put it so well, ""A man is pertinacious when he defends his folly and trusts too greatly in his own wit.
Geoffrey Chaucer; Canterbury Tales: Explicit Secunda Pars Penitentie;1387-1400 (Translation: Walter W. Skeat).

I will agree that at it extreme, the descriptive ones have helped lead us into a state of moral irrelevance and decadence. The rule of the other extreme lead us to fascism and big brother. True believers are the problem. But somehow it seems we need them to solve the problems that other true believers create.

Friday, November 24, 2006

I am board with atheists. Why are they always such whiners? And so angry? If they would describe to me the god they don't believe in, I probably wouldn't believe in 'him" either. I think we need to do some defining here. Is it god they don't like, or religion? To me they are mutually exclusive and one has each for very different reasons.

I go to church infrequently but find a kind of comfort in it when I do. It is a kind of reunion with the ancestors, so to speak. I dislike the new stuff, when the minister plays a guitar and sings show tunes. I like the tradition and as far as I am concerned that is the main reason to go. The community of faith things works for me too. I would like church if it weren't all about the bible. It is amazing when you think about it though bunches of people all gathered reading and believing a text that is basically a myth, not that different from the Iliad, or stories of Hercules, part history, part fantasy, part hope. I don't like the idolatry inherent in utter belief in a book. When does religion become pernicious? When does faith and hope morph into my way or the highway?

I like god and I understand that sometimes people need help finding a way to connect with the infinite. Somebody said, "I want God to mean the vast ceaseless creativity of the only universe we know of, ours." So yes, I believe in god but I think we need to separate it from religion. It is true believers in creed that cause so many problems, not believers in god. So how do we do that?

Friday, November 17, 2006

How is it possible that screaming kids didn't destroy all possibility for humans to survive when we were vulnerable to so many predators like when we lived in caves? I was at dinner in a restaurant and there were two kids who were out of control. It seems to me that natural selection would have taken care of brats a long time ago. I just had to get that off my mind and your socio biologist out there can answer it for me. I am more interested in the Super theory of everything. Actually until I read the comments on my last blog I didn't even think that all the sciences should be united somehow as I naively thought they were. Doesn't subatomic physics do that? When one gets down to the fundamental particle of all matter what else do you need? It doesn't matter if it is a rock or a cell. Frankly, I don't see a problem. Think small.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I am trying to understand IT and create a philosophical theory of everything. I am starting with quantum mechanics, and cosmology(not to be confused with cosmetology). The largest and the smallest.

In astrophysics, dark matter is matter that does not emit or reflect enough electromagnetic radiation (such as light, X-rays and so on) to be detected directly, but whose presence may be inferred from its gravitational effects on visible matter.* This makes perfect sense to me. Any rational person would say so. Physicist theorize that certain phenomenon, like dark matter, quarks, strings,etc exist because they can see evidence of their existence. It is interesting because I infer the existence of an awesome divine presence because of the evidence I see of its existence. They have data and I have mystery.

The deepest problem in theoretical physics is harmonizing the theory of general relativity which describes gravitation and applies to large-scale structures (stars, galaxies, super clusters), with quantum mechanics which describes the other three fundamental forces acting on the microscopic scale.* ( I think they mean the strong and weak forces (these are the nuclear forces. The strong force holds the quarks together. The weak force is about nuclear decay), and electromagnetism.) This is all I know now but I think I know this. Who knows. thanks for listening.

The four forces or interaction that we know about are, in the order of the most powerful to the least: The Strong force, Electromagnetism, the weak force and gravitation. Actually, it may be: gravitation and then the weak force. No I think I am right.
