Location: Arizona

Sunday, November 26, 2006

"The living language is like a cow-path: it is the creation of the cows themselves, who, having created it, follow it or depart from it according to their whims or their needs. From daily use, the path undergoes change."

E.B. White said this and I think it helps explain a lot of things. It seems to me most arguments/discussion I get into involve those who describe reality as they see it, be it religion or language and those who proscribe it. That is to say, they talk about how it is supposed to be. The problem is is that neither are wrong and both sides think the other one is. Clearly the problem is not the idea or the word it is the pertinacity of the of the believer. Or as Chaucer put it so well, ""A man is pertinacious when he defends his folly and trusts too greatly in his own wit.
Geoffrey Chaucer; Canterbury Tales: Explicit Secunda Pars Penitentie;1387-1400 (Translation: Walter W. Skeat).

I will agree that at it extreme, the descriptive ones have helped lead us into a state of moral irrelevance and decadence. The rule of the other extreme lead us to fascism and big brother. True believers are the problem. But somehow it seems we need them to solve the problems that other true believers create.


Blogger The Ancestress Hypothesis said...

While I could go into depth about the problems of "believing" that belief is the problem, one problem is CLEARLY ZEALOTS, regardless of the source of their zeal.

Science is built on describing reality as they see it. An issue you, you might address in your next post, is the difference between those who proscribe, based on science (and admittedly at any point in time science has only part of an answer), and those who proscribe based on religion, and those who proscribe because they know they can influence others by proscribing, such as Hitler did.

7:23 AM  
Blogger The Ancestress Hypothesis said...

Why the heck aren't any of these weinies who criticize religion, looking at the Amish and their reaction to the tragedy and say "what noble people."

Religion is NOT always about hatred, war, and vengence OBVIOUSLY.

1:40 PM  

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