Location: Arizona

Friday, November 24, 2006

I am board with atheists. Why are they always such whiners? And so angry? If they would describe to me the god they don't believe in, I probably wouldn't believe in 'him" either. I think we need to do some defining here. Is it god they don't like, or religion? To me they are mutually exclusive and one has each for very different reasons.

I go to church infrequently but find a kind of comfort in it when I do. It is a kind of reunion with the ancestors, so to speak. I dislike the new stuff, when the minister plays a guitar and sings show tunes. I like the tradition and as far as I am concerned that is the main reason to go. The community of faith things works for me too. I would like church if it weren't all about the bible. It is amazing when you think about it though bunches of people all gathered reading and believing a text that is basically a myth, not that different from the Iliad, or stories of Hercules, part history, part fantasy, part hope. I don't like the idolatry inherent in utter belief in a book. When does religion become pernicious? When does faith and hope morph into my way or the highway?

I like god and I understand that sometimes people need help finding a way to connect with the infinite. Somebody said, "I want God to mean the vast ceaseless creativity of the only universe we know of, ours." So yes, I believe in god but I think we need to separate it from religion. It is true believers in creed that cause so many problems, not believers in god. So how do we do that?


Blogger The Ancestress Hypothesis said...

is the word bored or board? Or both

2:07 PM  

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