Location: Arizona

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Everyone says that having cancer is a journey and that I am being given a message and that I have to listen to my body and figure out what it is saying to me. So far it is scaring the hell out of me and I spend most of my time trying to calm myself and have a positive attitude which I usually do or did before this happened. I am not good at waiting. I want to figure out what to do about this and can't until all the data is in which I have no control over. So far this has been a messy business filled with unsightly things, blood and bruising,squishing and waiting. The horrid waiting. As a journey it is not unlike my first trip to Europe when I lived in trains with my Erurail pass. I was younger then and more eager to release control over my destiny to strangers. That is the hardest part now, surrendering to strangers and asking them, for a fee, to save my life. Odd place to be after learning to do just the opposite, which is to take control over it. Someone will say, and correctly, that I can control how I react to all this and that is what I am trying to do.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Political Jokes

\Hillary Clinton Visits School Children

Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time.

One little boy puts up his hand. The Senator asks him what his name is.


"And what is your question, Kenneth?"

"I have three questions: First - whatever happened to your medical health care plan? Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office? And, Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"

Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary Clinton informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we? Oh, that's right, question time. Who has a question?"

A different little boy puts his hand up; Hillary points him out and asks him what his name is.


"And what is your question, Larry?"

"I have five questions: First - whatever happened to your medical health care plan? Second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office? Third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House? Fourth - why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early? And, Fifth - what happened to Kenneth?

6:25 PM  

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