Location: Arizona

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Really the best news that has come out of this entire Katrina thing is that Bosnia Hertzagovinia is sending us $6000,00 (yes, that is correct, 3 zeros). It is the moral equivalent of The United Arab Emerits send us $100 million and some free oil. Maybe even more impressive actually when you consider what a mess the entire area was and still is. Why do I keep thinking that the current administration will somehow take all these gestures of solidarity and generosity and make everyone hate us even more. Who will be blamed for this disaster? Who can we invade now to get even? If Cuba, who wanted to send Drs., by the way, hadn't been located where it is the hurricane would not have hit our coast and destroyed our levies. It is there fault and we need to get even. Here is what I think: When people offer gifts one must accept them with all graciousness one can muster. It makes people feel good to do good thing. Apparently there are ship loads of supplies just waiting for the okay of our state department. Apparently, you have to be approved before you can give to us.

One of saddest things for me are all the people who have had to leave there pets behind. People who don't have pets would never understand the bond that is formed and the sense of responsibility one feels for what one has tamed. It is its own world. I wouldn't go without my dog if I had one. When I was a kid I ran away with my dog rather than loose him, which I had to do anyway because I was a kid. Let's face it the entire thing is sad and a black eye for certain people who are supposed to be our leaders. When they fail the most helpless they fail us all.


Blogger Anne Coe said...

Why would anyone think by reading my Blog that I would be interested in SPANISH DATING SITE. Who are these people. Make them go away. They are clutter in my life. I have enough clutter.

6:59 AM  

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