Location: Arizona

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

It is interesting that I got the most responses on my Blog when I talked about Jessie, the wounded soul German Shepherd. Clearly, there are other animal lovers out there. Mostly, I love wild animals but since I can't pet them and love them the way I can a cat or dog I settle (bad word) for domesticated pets. I had a pet wolf once, Virginia Woof was here name. Loved her as she was so special and amazing. She lived 16 years and died just a few months before my husband died. That was the worst year of my life. My two special friends who I wandered around the desert with gone in the blink of an eye. How do I show my love for wild animals, you ask. It is not easy. I volunteer with Liberty Wildlife and get calls to go rescue wounded raptors and pick them up (another story entirely) and take them to the hospital. I also co- founded a land trust who's sole purpose is to preserve land so animals can have a place to live and do what animals do. I never feed wild animals. I basically leave them alone so they can do their job. We all have jobs here and one of mine is to take care of creatures (I would include wild plants too here) who can't talk. Someone has to represent them in the legislature, in congress, etc. Look what we did to the passenger pidgin, the do do and the buffalo. If I had been alive then, maybe we would have a few of those left. I know, we have buffalo but nothing like before. What a travesty that was. One of the less nobel parts of our history.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Anne:
You are such and interesting person. I, too, am a lover of animals. Thank God one of my grandchildren is also. The world would be one empty place if we couldn't talk to and pet our animal friends. They bring us so much love without ever expecting any. Wouldn't it be wonderful if humans felt the same way.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

I would agree, though when ever I read things like this I always think the following quote:
"nature is cruel, has no remorse"

Maybe that is just how I justify my father's hobby... I don't know... but nature is really cruel, shockingly so sometimes.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Anne Coe said...

Cruel, is a human construct that is for sure. Nature is "red in tooth and claw". It is just the way it is. It certainly is not efficient but it is clearly effective. Things die so we can live. I remember this reality dawning on me when I saved a lady bug from a spider web and then realized that the spider had babies too and needed to make a living. How do we make these choices? We let it be, I guess and despite the fact that we eat animals, unless we a vegans, we can still honor them. To me that is the purpose of Grace before a meal. Honoring what gave their life for me.

I don't know about your fathers hobby, Bull fighting. Is it cruel or a deadly ritual that speaks to us of our mortality and our relationship with nature?

6:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The quote from TS Eliot is "Youth is cruel, has no remorse, and smiles at things it cannot see..."

5:42 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

yeah, cruel... nature be it human or animal is red in tooth and claw.

And forgive the paraphrase, but it is equally applicable.

10:34 AM  

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