Location: Arizona

Monday, September 05, 2005

I have been working all day. Apparently I am supposed to take today off because it is labor day. It should be non-labor day if they don't want me to work. I was talking to my friend Rosemary on the phone while I was painting and said," Well, I have to get back to work" and she said, "You're working? It's a holiday"! What am suppose to do? Sit around and watch TV?. Labor day is a fake holiday to me. I don't even know what it stands for so it essentially means nothing to me. Thanksgiving and Christmas are ok, at least there we are celebrating something and having a feast. Actually when you get down to it I'm not much for any holiday. I used to like Halloween, but it has been ruined by people putting razor blades in the candy. My theory is this: 10% of the population at any time is psychotic so you are bound to get a few razor blades in life. I told this to my drawing class and someone actually raised his hand and said. "I am it. I am the crazy one". It was so nice of him to do that. It made it easier for all of us. It is comforting knowing who the really crazy one is so it doesn't have to be me.

I like to work on my paintings. One reason I like it is that it gives me an excuse never to clean my house. The idea is if I work all the time, then I can be excused from housework which I loath. People are so understanding. Since I turned my entire house into my studio I can have stuff everywhere, except in the kitchen which I try to keep tidy. And well the bathroom too.


Blogger Anne Coe said...

I can't believe that I get SPAM on my Blog. Is nothing safe? How do I get rid of this. Who are these people.

6:45 AM  

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