Location: Arizona

Friday, September 02, 2005

I really didn't mean to insult my sister. She is really, really smart. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. The thing I naturally do in life is try to find connections. Art, science and religion all come out of the human mind and experience but it is more than that, isn't it? They reflect our hightest asperations. They don't always achieve that status but seek to. Do all cultures have all three? I don't know. I am pretty sure they all have art and they all have religion. Religion and Art were the early science, but naturally there weren't "Science" as in using the scientific method, etc. But they did have systematic ways of trying to observe and explain things. Science evolved it didn't just happen one day. At one point Alchemy was what science was (wasn't). We learned from its failures. We all moved on.


Blogger Blair said...

She is smart, so smart I can't speak her language most of the time. Or at least I am often too inhibited to even try as I am usually getting the same reaction and it is hard. But, I decided that She has to be the expert on that topic of the science of art or that topic along that vein.
I hope it doesn't intimidate you and your blog, know that just as she is free to comment against what you say, you are free to blog what is going through your mind.
I remember one of my first posts I wrote about having to take Ibuprophen while pregnant and why I had to take it and I got a stupid comment on it about how pregnant women are not supposed to take it and she even went so far as to call me silly... I was so bewildered and hurt (which in retrospect seems rather lame) that I almost stopped blogging... but she was stupid and did not read what I wrote, I had to take it no real choice.
This also reminds me of a professor I had in college who was unbelieveably hard to understand... really, all I took away from that class was that peoples all over the world have myth and magic as a part of their culture and that you can train worms to turn right... served me well only in that I firmly believe that it is vital to our DNA to have myth and magic, not in an evil sense but more in a religious sense... In some ways I see myth as the origins of science, that very human need to understand why things happen and thinking that maybe the unseen or the ancestors can have those answers for us... so I don't deny myself those tendencies, though I am sure my mother may be bewildered by them... They may be wrong, and I can say that on one level, but on another, I think my DNA would wither up and die if I lost that... after all the neanderthal thought enough of people to decorate graves with flowers, be it as an offereing or as a tribute... it is still modifying line, function or form... oh I am incoherently babbleing... but I have learned that her bark which can be very very intimidating is not a bite and is usually done out of love... and I hope you have too.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Blair said...

As to early science, the stars were an early source of scientific investigation from the records we do have of now extinct cultures... as to really early culture.. who knows, it is hard to fathom humans as not trying to figure out things like fire, a wheel, gravity, the number one or the concept of zero.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Anne Coe said...

Well put Blair. The problem isn't with the people or the topic it is with the language. We use different languages. She uses Logos, I use mythos. More on that in my next Blog. I didn't know worms could be trained at all. That is huge. But can they be trained to be unfaithful (see Blog on monogamy)

6:03 AM  

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