Location: Arizona

Monday, June 12, 2006

Why I am a postmodernist with modernist tendencies.

"Postmodernism is all about the process. Art is process, not product. Even the definition of postmodern is process. In this, one experiences the breakdown of language, hence words like, "gay" which can mean happy, homosexual,(or the new meaning flimsy). Meaning is relative to both perspective and experience. Meaning is process as well (and morphs with unerring frequency daily.) There is no reliability in anything, thus anarchy replaces the hierarchy prevalent with the moderns. Hierarchal patterns are so much easier to comprehend." Ellen Bates ( parentheticals are mine)

It seems to me that with the moderns we begin to see the breakdown of the hierarchal system. It failed. God, the top of the system failed us most hence he is dead or in a forced state of perpetual resurrection by the religious radicals. I picture a comatose godhead tied with golden chains to his throne with the minions preying him into consciousness. Nothing worked anymore or as Yeats said," the center cannot hold, things fall apart". But interestingly enough, human in their amazing capacity to adapt, created an order in the non-order and began to define what the non ordered order was and it was postmodernism. Chaos rules and it is good. We will just redefine Chaos and all will be well. Life is good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are a genius. Hierarchies are dead. We forgot what they were and how they might operate. We were betrayed too many times.

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently met a 22 year old fundamentalist... hired (I fear without checking references) as a staff member in our clinic. She was "trained" (vs. studied--my interpretation) in psychology and nursing at Oral Roberts University and studied business in graduate school at Regent College (founded by Pat Robertson). Part of the curriculum was learning, via role playing and debate, to engage non-Christians in the workplace and turn them toward Christ. That, this young woman declared, was her mission in life. She feels that it is our duty (in our work environment) to tell all our clients that while we accept their viewpoints, we are all Christians (even if the staff member is not Christian). We must share scripture with our clients and preach the word of Christ. And, she does.

think of all the clones of this young woman out there prosteletyzing to the minions who also do not think for themselves....I can see her now pride-fully bringing them to the fold (cult). Believe me, there are more of these nuts out there than you or I typically cross paths with in our isolated, stick with our own kind, environment. Blogging's great but I suspect we'd make more of an imprint on society if we were talking to those who don't know (about anything addressed on your blogspace) than those who do. Sadly, in our attempts to be intelletuals,too many of us pour a glass of wine then simply spin our own wheels, work ourselves up, pat ourselves on the back for our great thoughts and nothing changes.

5:12 PM  

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