Location: Arizona

Monday, June 05, 2006

If I wanted to create an institution that taught young males responsibility and encouraged them to be good fathers and men in the community I would create something akin to Mormonism. I base this on one visit to a Mormon church yesterday for a baby blessing. It was interesting in that the blessing only involved the fathers and their male friends and relatives. One can assume here that the mother is already tied to the infant and it is the father who needs to feel that bond and publicly accept responsibility. As the father holds the infant each man touches him/her. The father gives a spontaneous blessing. He states what his responsibilities are and what his hope for the infant are. It was at times moving and tearful. There was lots of honoring of the ancestors and a blessing of the soul that this child possesses. Life and death are eternal and ongoing. From a postmodern feminist perspective it was totally sexist. From the point of view of someone witnessing the decay of a grand society, very necessary.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the juxtaposition of feminist vs other perspectives. It always seemed odd that feminists were unable to see beyond their own rhetoric and hyperbole. They never saw all the obligations men also had. They never understood the tenuous bond between a male and female (when there are other enticing females out there) and a man and his child. They could not see that traditions were designed (yes, designed) to encourage men to honor those resposibilities. All that crap about freedom. Living in a society is about restraint and kindness. It is not about freedom.

7:39 AM  

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