Location: Arizona

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

In trying to re-bond with my computer, now named "HAL", as on, "Open the pod bay doors HAL". I have forced myself to return to my blog as I have many issues that I must discuss, chief among them is TRUST. Is TRUST about doubt or skepticism? If we don't trust someone or something does that mean we have doubts about that person or thing or does it just mean we are skeptical. I know this: doubt hurts, skepticism doesn't. What is the difference? One thing for sure is that Doubt cannot be removed by rational thought, skepticism can. Isn't skepticism the basis of science. Can we stop doubting?

One either believes in God or doesn't. Doubts or doesn't doubt. Clearly we can't use rational thought to know for sure. There is too much Chaos that separates us from knowing that truth. I think about it because I want to hedge my bets. Better to embrace the God Head than to and burn in a horrid endless hell. Actually, I don't believe in hell but am reminded of a great line from Marlow's " FAUST". Faust asks Mesostopheles, " If you are the devil what are you doing here? How can you leave Hell". Mesostophles replies, "This is Hell and I am here". Is there any doubt that we experience daily our heaven and hell? We recreate our paradise, or at least try to, and then Doubt enters and we go to our own Hell.

Please discuss if any of you are out there still. I can't blame you if you doubted my return. Special thanks here to my family and Geode who kept bugging me to return.


Blogger Blair said...

I think that trust and its failure when dealing with people means that there are doubts... and when dealing with objects there is skepticism.
I can't trust that there are not psychos that are idiots and have no firm grasp on reality and want to hurt you because they can and then think nothing of waltzing into a meeting where loved ones are....
but I am skeptical that your computer is out to get you, I don't think it is. It loves you and just wants you to blog.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue of trust is so complex that it is hard to address it. Blind trust is comfortable, and works fine as long as there is no betrayal...none. Once there is betrayal, blind trust crumbles like sand castles in waves.

Suspicion is toxic. It often sees what isn't there, and feeds on itself.

Doubt is simply uncomfortable, can be a defensive way to live, but stands in the way of everything meaningful in relationships. Doubt in the form of curiosity is a healthy way to learn because it encourages seeking for fact.

To trust is to become vulnerable, and in life I think we are all vulnerable to so many things that threaten us. Maybe it is best to trust and be confident that one can respond to any betrayal of that trust, if it comes, and survive.

What doesn't kill us postpones the inevitable.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

OK it is time to return again.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

Still waiting

3:19 PM  
Blogger Blair said...

And.... I am still waiting.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what (event) or who (important to you) has challenged your trust? Failure to trust comes from betrayal--when there is a withdrawl from your emotional bank account by an event (usually out of your control) or someone (where you believed yourself to have control). Once withdrawn, depending on the amount of trust built up in the account, it must be replenished if we are to survive the experience (and, when with a person, rebuild the relationship). I'm new to your blog but not to your work. The play on words in your name (Coevert) is intriguing. Covert this Covert action? Who is covert in your life?....can i trust someone who wants to make Coe CoeVert?

11:34 PM  

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