Location: Arizona

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Lots of my women friends think men don't feel and lots males (they are not my friends) think women don't think. Remember when it was so popular to demean women in public. The tables have turned, I think. Now women make fun of men the same way. Any way, I think males feel, but that they just don't know it. There are exceptions, obviously but when we think in terms of the extreme of the male/female mind the differences are remarkable. I think one of the huge reasons is that women's emotional center (amygdala) is hard wired to her speech centers and that connections isn't as strong in males. We know what we feel and we can articulate it and share it with others, sometimes ad nauseum but overall I think that is a good thing because it makes us more compassionate and able to understand others pain and happiness. I once read that the extreme male mind was the autistic. Talk about disengaged. No compassion, no communication. Fortunately, there are degrees of this behavior. But I am sure all of us have known males that are more antisocial than social. What then is the sociopath and the psychopath who is the extreme male mind but with the added dynamic to not just ignore others but a desire to hurt them. What is that? Is that just a confusion of the natural drive to hunt and mate. Since most serial killer crimes are male against female it does give one pause.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I always thought men were angels in disguise, here to help ease the way for us. But then I found out that actually they are here to make the path almost impossible. If we are lucky, they are charming in ruining our lives. Now I know that at best they are satan.

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ruben Ruben I've been thinking,
What a grand world this would be,
If the men were all transported...

Nothing new under the sun.

3:35 PM  

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