Location: Arizona

Saturday, October 08, 2005

I heard yesterday that they have a name for the new planet they discovered in the Kaiper belt, out beyond Pluto (which might not be a planet). It, or rather she, is named Xena after the warrior princess of TV fame. This has to be a first. A planet named after a TV character. That's not all, Xena has a moon and, you guessed it, it's called Gabriella, after Xena's TV side kick. This opens up all sorts of possibilities now that we don't have to name our planets after the pantheon of worn out Greek and Roman gods we can use movie stars and/or fictional characters. Actually it would be better to be able to name actual stars after the real movie stars but I think we should stick to our solar system with our heros and not name someone else's sun say, Brad Pitt. Although Ringo Starr would be sort of cute, don't you think? We have lots of possibilities here since the guy who found Xena said he was sure there were at least 20 more new planets out there. Lots and lots of names. I vote for Elvis (the young one) for the name of the next big discovery. What about you?


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