Location: Arizona

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

On the first level of Dante's Hell are all the people who risked nothing in life. I would agree with that one as people who believe in nothing don't really have a life but I had a hard time dealing with Paulo and Francesca who are the star-crossed lovers that are doomed to hell because they let passion override reason. I guess I am going to Dante's hell. Think about it though: spend eternity with people filled with passion, like Bill Clinton, and all the artists and writers I can think of or with Saint Bernard and his pantheon. I guess both would be interesting. Actually to Dante, Hell is for people without hope. Purgatory for people with hope but missed the boat on the passion/reason thing but are trying to improve by going through a private hell for a while. That might not be so bad actually. Isn't that life?

Back to movies. I remember now the movies that were so important to me.

1. Mondo Cane. I went with my sister who was in college. It was at the Valley Art so I knew it was going to be something entirely different and besides college kids went to it. It was really the first film I'd seen that dealt with the human condition. It was shocking. The title might give away the fact that things weren't as good as I had thought as it means something like world gone to the dogs. It was mind expanding. It made me think. It was a film not just a movie. I would love to see it again and see if it holds up. So often things don't. I remember seeing "Easy RIder" and thinking at the time that it was soooooo cool. I tried to watch it as an adult and it was so silly and so trite. About the same time I saw Mondo Cane I read "The Little Prince", which was one of those simple little books that had a very strong message for me about how to live a real life. I read it a lot. I understand they are making a movie out of it.

2. Last Year at Marienbad. I didn't understand this film at all but I knew that I should. It was the first "art film" I had seen that was way over my head. I didn't understand flashbacks at the time and the time sequences are really dominant in this film. I think that is what it was all about. I need to see it again. I learned I had a lot to learn and a very long journey to take if I were going to be the enlightened person that the Little Prince and Mondo Cane had convinced me I should be.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mondo Cane; I loved the opening scenes. The theme (More) became "our song" and was sung at our wedding. "The Magnificent Seven" was not a guy film. It was about seven character profiles of people who finally found a use for their skills. It's about redemption.

7:05 AM  
Blogger Anne Coe said...

Clearly, I will have to reevaluate The Magnificent Seven". I love films about redemption. I think when it came out with all those guys in it ones impression was that it was a guy film. Guys love it. I don't dislike all guy films. I totally enjoy The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

7:36 AM  

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