Location: Arizona

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I look up Yeats after I wrote my blog yesterday and rediscovered the MODERNIST, those deeply alienated, isolated, self analytical souls that formed what is now our postmodern world. I am not sure I like being defined as the thing that came after the other thing. I have never gotten a really good definition of postmodern other than to say that in art it is the garbage (my word) of all the movements of the past. So in any given piece of art you may see impressionistic, gothic and rococo influences all mushed together. Anything goes and the stranger and more anti art it is the better. Architecture is a good example, with the neo-coneyisland influences on lots of postmodern buildings. Neo-coneyisland is so preferable to the cold heartless bauhaus school of modernism with it icy steel and glass. But then that was just a reaction to all the bricka-braque of the prewar structures. Everything is just a reaction to something else. World War I, which I think was the cause and effect of the modernist movement was just a reaction to the excesses of the monarchical system in Europe. WWII was just a reaction to WWI and the harshness of the treaty of Versailles which was a reaction to the fact that everyone hated the Germans. The Germans are interesting to me. Talk about possessing the greatest and the worst. The most divine music and poetry and the bloodiest wars and most heinous crimes against their citizens all in one nation. Germany should be the poster child of humanity and its history sent up in all the space ships so other civilizations can be warned about how unstable and reactionary we are but also how pure and divine we can be. Is Germany the way it is because they were never really conquered by the Romans and never had that early civilization and uniting influence? They picked up on the aggressive militant aspects of the Romans though. Unity is not their strong suite.

Are you a postmodernist or a modernist? I am a postmodernist and I will explain why later.


Blogger The Ancestress Hypothesis said...

I have to wonder, though it might set you off on a diatribe, that this thesis-antithesis era we are in -- of reactions against reactions -- is not a consequence of our trying to find a path. In traditional societies you do not have these tides of change.

9:05 AM  
Blogger Anne Coe said...

That is nice for the people who live in traditional societies. Hardly anyone does now so this becomes just conversation about "How is was and how it should be", I am looking at how it IS and trying to figure out what action to take to stabilize the world without going backwards completely to a pre agricultural world. This may, however, be solved for us by our own stupidity, but not without a lots of pain and suffer for a lot of living things. Not just people.

8:15 AM  

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